The rendering tab contains the render, viewer and scene subtabs and is where you will do image renders of your MakeHuman model.
Under the render subtab are two available context menus, the setting menu to the left of the workspace and the render methods menu tot he right. The settings menu allows you to set the render resolution by typing in the desired values width x height, activate or deactivate anti-aliasing with a radial and rendering. Anti-aliasing aids with the render by removing jagged edges and sharpening hair.
In the render methods menu you will see Quick render and Advanced Render. selecting advanced render will add a Lightmap SSS Subsurface scattering) radial in an options menu under the settings menu.
The viewer subtab offers a single menu on the left of the screen. If you have not done a render of your model there will be nothing in the viewer. The tools menu contains a refresh and save as button. After doing a render the viewer tab will be opened.
The scene subtab offers a file chooser menu on the right side of the screen. Here you are able to select the style of lighting to be used with your model. Only one lighting style can be activated.
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