The MakeHuman Modelling Gender Subtab

The modelling gender subtab is where you can enhance gender specific portions of your model. This currently revolves around breasts, which is fine as unless you are producing a medical aid or an X rated model. The vast majority of models are not in need of modelling the genital areas.

With the gender subtab open you will have two menus available. One to the left of the workspace with sliders relating to position and size of the breasts and one to the right of the workspace which offers two radial buttons to select between Breast and Genitals. 

The radial buttons in the right hand menu is where you choose between opening sliders in the left menu for either the breasts or genitals. In the default version of the software there is no use for the genitals sliders as they are inactive. The default mesh does not support genital development.

The breast sliders are mainly for helping to form the female figure, but you are able to make changes to the male form as well.

In the left hand breast menu you have access to Breast Size, Breast Firmness, Vertical Position, Horizontal Distance, Pointiness, Breast Volume, Nipple Size and Nipple Point sliders. The image accompanying each slider should be sufficient to give you a basic idea of what each slider will do. It is best to zoom in on the model and alter the camera view angle to gain the best vantage point from which to see the changes being made to the mesh.

A heads up, the scroll bars for the menus either side of the workspace are not the easiest to use. You need to hover directly over the bar and either left click drag or use the scroll wheel to move them. 
