The geometries tab contains the Clothes, Eyes, Hair, Teeth, Topologies, Eyebrows, Eyelashes and Tongue subtabs. This is where you can add remove or change geometries of your model. Each subtab will open menus to the left and right of the model workspace.
The clothes subtab opens two menus to the left of the workspace, the options and the tag filter menus. The options menu has a radial, hide faces under cloths. When you apply some clothing to the model you may see parts of the model protruding through, activating this radial can assist with hiding those faces. The tag filter will allow you to focus on particular articles of clothing, this is very helpful once you have downloaded more clothing assets from the MakeHuman community.
On the right of the workspace you will have a cloths menu, you can add and remove articles of clothing from you model by left clicking on an item. You will notice items which are active on the model will remain highlighted. You will also notice you can apply multiple items at the same time and that they can interfere with each other.
The eyes submenu contains a tag filter menu to the left and a eyes menu to the right which contains options for no eyes (none) high poly and low poly eyes. You can only activate one of these options at a time.
Hair, Teeth, Eyebrows, Eyelashes and Tongue
These submenus all contain the same types as menus, tag filters on the left and an object type menu on the right. Only one object can be applied at a time. These menus will contain more objects if and when you download items from the MakeHuman community.
Under this subtab you will find the same two context menus, tag filter to the left and topologies object menu to the right. Topologies will alter the overall feel of your model, some subtle some much more obviously apparent. You can download topologies from the MakeHuman community which will allow you to add genitals, remove parts of the body or add/remove definition (increase/decrease mesh complexity). You may find choosing a topology before using the modelling mesh a good way to work.
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