The MakeHuman Modelling Random Subtab

The modelling random subtab contains one context menu and will allow you to generate a random base mesh. The results can vary. This is a subtab I have not used very often, but it can be fun.

The Randomize Settings menu is on the left of the workspace and offers four radials for Macro, Face, Body and Height. There is a Symmetry slider, a button for executing the random generator and then a second menu entitled Restore Setting with a button to click which will restore the randomizer settings to the default. It will not restore your model to the default mesh. To get back to the default mesh close and reopen the program. Yes there should be a restore default mesh option. 

Randomize Settings


The macro radial determines if attributes from the main subtab are included in the randomisation of the model.


The face radial allows you to select to either have the face and head randomised or not.


The body radial controls whether the arms legs torso hands and feet are included in randomisation.


The height radial controls whether the model height is adjusted in the randomisation process.


The symmetry slider controls how symmetrical or asymmetrical the random model will be. With the slider to the extreme left the model will be completely asymmetrical, while to the extreme right the model will by totally symmetrical. As you move from the left side of the slider to the right the generator will create a more symmetrical model.
