The modelling face subtab is where you are likely to spend a decent amount of time. There are not only a wide range of sliders to use but, it is also where you will create the part of your model which will be seen almost all the time. The detail work done in a face can go a long way to creating a high level model.
The face subtab presents us with two menus, one either side of the workspace. On the left are the sliders for making detail changes to particular parts of the model and on the right we have the category radials which allow us to select particular areas of the mesh to work on.
Categories and Sliders
The face subtab contains eighteen different categories to select from, the most categories in the modelling section. Each category will give you access to different sliders to use to manipulate your model mesh.
Head Shape
The head shape category will allow you to alter the overall shape and look of the head. It contains the Age, Head Fat, Angle, Oval, Round, Rectangular, Square, Triangular, Diamond and Scale Depth of Parietal Side sliders.
Head Size
In the head size category you will work with the scale and position of the head. It contains the Scale Depth, Scale Horizontal, Scale Vertical, Move Horizontally, Move Vertically and Move Depth sliders.
The forehead category deals with the top and temple areas of the head. It contains the Forehead Bulge, Scale Vertically, Conic Shape and Temple Bulge sliders.
In the eyebrows category you alter the bony region just above the eyes. It contains the Eyebrows Bulge, Eyebrows Angle and Move Vert sliders.
Within the neck category you can reshape from the underside of the chin to the base of the chest and shoulders. It contains the Double Neck, Scale Depth, Scale Horizontally, Scale Vertically, Move Horizontally, Move Vertically, Move Depth and Scale Depth of Nape sliders.
Right and Left Eye
The right and left eye categories allow you to alter the appearance of the eyes, areas around the eyes, position of the eyes and overall size of the eyes. When I work with the eye categories I start by enabling the Symmetry button in the tool bar and working with one eye. The look of that eye will automatically be mirrored in the other eye. Then I can disable the Symmetry button and decide if I would like to make small changes to one eye and start to make the characters slightly asymmetrical.
In the eyes categories you will have access to the Eye Bag Volume, Eye Bag Distortion, Eye Bag Height, Eyefold Angle, Eye Epicanthus, Eyefold Volume, Eyefold Position, Scale Height 1, Scale Height 2, Scale Height 3, Move Outer Corner Horizontally, Move Inner Corner Horizontally, Move Eye Horizontally, Move Eye Vertically, Scale Eye, Move Outer Corner Vertically and Move Inner Corner Vertically sliders.
Nose Size
The nose size category deals with the position and scale of the nose. It contains the Move Vertically, Move Depth, Move Horizontally, Scale Vertically, Scale Horizontally and Scale Depth sliders.
Nose Size Details
The nose size details category lets you reshape the nasal bridge, nostrils and tip of the nose. This area contains the Scale Nostrils Width, Scale Tip Width, Move Base Vertically, Scale Width 1, Scale Width 2 and Scale Width 3 sliders.
Nose Features
The nose features category gives you the ability to add fine details to the nose. It contains the Compression, Curve, Greek, Hump, Volume, Nostrils Angle, Move Tip Vertically, Septum Angle and Scale Nostrils Flaring sliders.
Mouth Size
The mouth size category deals with the size and position of the mouth. It has the Scale Horizontally, Scale vertically, Scale Depth, Move Horizontally, Move Vertically, and Move Depth sliders.
Mouth Size Details
The mouth size details category addresses the lips of the character mesh. Within it there are the Scale Lower Lip Height, Scale Lower Lip Width, Scale Upper Lip Height, Scale Upper Lip Width and Cupid Bow Width sliders.
Mouth Features
The mouth features category works with the details of the mouth, lips and areas around the mouth. It contains the Dimples, Laugh Lines, Lower Lip Curved Shape, Move Corners Vertically, Scale Middle Lower Lip, Scale Lower Lip Volume, Scale Philtrum Volume, Scale Upper Lip Volume, Upper Lip Curved Shape, Scale Middle Upper Lip and Cupid Bow Shape sliders.
Right and Left Ear
The right and left ear categories allow you to adjust the size, position, and shape of the ears. As when working with the eyes I again enable Symmetry in the toolbar before working on an ear and then decide if I want to make any slight changes to one ear afterwards.
In the ears categories you have the Move Depth, Scale Ear, Move Vertically, Scale Height, Scale Lobe, Ear Shape (Pointed Triangle) Ear Rotation, Ear Shape (Square Round), Scale Width, Ear Wing Shaped and Ear Flapped sliders.
The chin/jaw category is for making alterations to the chin and jawline of the mesh. It houses the Tone of Side Chin, Cleft Chin, Scale Chin Prominence, Scale Chin Width, Scale Chin Height, Scale Chin Angular and Scale Chin Prognathism sliders.
Right and Left Cheek
The right and left cheek category deals with the size, shape and position of the cheeks and yes, I again work with Symmetry enabled and then decide if slight alterations are need to one side of the face.
The right and left cheek categories have the Cheek Outer Volume, Scale Cheek Prominence, Cheek Inner Volume and Move Vertically sliders.
Taking your time with all these sliders can allow you to start to create some really interesting faces for your character mesh.
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