In the arms and legs subtab the menus will provide you with the ability to alter the appearance of the hands, feet, shoulders arms and legs. While working in this subtab I start with the Symmetry button in the toolbar enabled and then consider asymmetrical changes after I have gone through all the categories once.
Right and Left Hand
As you may expect the right and left hand categories are mirrors of each other. As I enable symmetry I only make alterations to one hand, the slider positions are then automatically transferred to the other hand. In the hands categories you are addressing the fingers and whole hand scale and position. Both categories provide you with the Fingers Distance, Fingers Diameter, Fingers Length, Scale Hand and Hand Position sliders.
Right and Left Foot
The feet categories are not as involved as the hand categories, you will only find the Scale Foot, Move Horizontally and Move Depth sliders here.
Right and Left Shoulder
The shoulder categories deal with muscle mass exclusively and contain a single slider, Shoulder Muscle Mass.
Right and Left Arm
The right and left arm categories are more involved, dealing with arm length, scale and tone. Inside these categories you will find the Lower Arm Thickness 1, Lower Arm Length, Lower Arm Thickness 2, Lower Arm Skinny Fat, Lower Arm Muscles, Upper Arm Thickness 1, Upper Arm Length, Upper Arm Thickness 2, Upper Arm Skinny Fat and Upper Arm Muscles sliders.
Right and Left Leg
The right and left leg categories also offer a wide range of sliders to alter length, mass, tone and knee position. Here you will find the Move Knee Horizontally, Lower Leg Scale Depth, Lower Leg Scale Horizontally, Lower Leg Skinny Fat, Lower Leg Muscle, Upper Leg Skinny Fat, Lower Leg Muscle, Upper leg Scale Depth, Upper Leg Scale Horizontally, Upper Leg Scale Vertically, Move Knee Vertically, Upper Leg Skinny Fat and Upper Leg Muscle sliders.
The legs category deals with the height (length) of the legs. Unlike scale this will stretch the muscles or fat around the legs. This is where you will find the Upper Legs Height and Lower Legs Height sliders.
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