The MakeHuman Materials Tab

The materials tab is where you can make changes to the appearance of the textures of your model. You will be able to apply skins, and alter the colour of the eyes, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes teeth tongue and cloths. The real power of materials comes from MakeHuman community downloads.

The materials tab will open several context menus, three to the left of the workspace and one to the right. On the left you will have the Human, Cloths and Tag Filter menus, to the right a Materials menu which will show available options related to the selected radial in the left menus. Only one material from each of the radials can be applied at a time. The radials will only be available for enabled geometries, if you have not applied any eyes geometries for example you will not be able to select any eye material. You may also notice some geometries do not have material options. To gain material options for some geometries you will need to download new materials from the MakeHuman community. 
